Thursday, September 24, 2020

The game is afoot

the flooring is Dow ad we did the layout today,and got a real good idea of just where things will go 

Thursday, August 27, 2020


I'm back , see if i can get this thing going again . a little while ago we decided to sell our "stuff" and buy a school bus to convert into our home on wheels

within 24 hours of listing my entire ceramics studio for sale it was sold , to a enthusiastic new potter . ahhh i remember the days .............

so this is the next adventure , monday we head to phoenix to pick out our bus 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


I understand that google is disbanding this platform soon so , adios
I can be found on Facebook at trial by fire or Instagram at trialbyfireceramics
Or #madebyjohnfoster
Good luck

Friday, January 10, 2020

Is there anybody out there

Anyone there , let me know , I’m wondering if all the effort it takes to keep this current is worthwhile ? Does anyone see it ? Does it matter ? This piece is being entered into the members juried show