Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I just wanted to use this space to say thanx to all the people who view  my love affair with clay  and the potters wheel. I look forward to the joy and abundance of a new year , and hope the best for you all

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Blown Away

so , last thurs. i opened my first home firing of the kiln i recently aquired, inside were , among other things 32 mugs and tea cups . today i have only the two that my wife and i claimed for ourselves . while 10 were commisioned , i am still kind odf amazed they all went so fast. i was planning on putting a few on my etsy shop to see if they would sell better than my "art" pieces , but i dont have any left to do that with . all i can really say is wow!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Kiln firing a success

Some of the contents of the kiln I unloaded this morning . This is a set of commissioned mugs and a vase they also picked out 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Maiden glaze firing under way

First layer of the kiln, pics of the whole thing when I open it tomarrow 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Commissioned to do some mugs

While at a craft fair this past Saturday I was commissioned to make a friend 10 mugs , so I got started Sunday